Oil and Gas Scoping Study — UNICEF Extractive Pilot
Languages available: English
In 2012, UNICEF, the United Nations Global Compact and Save the Children released the Children’s Rights and Business Principles (the Principles), which built upon the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and relevant International Labour Organization Conventions. The Principles offer comprehensive guidance to companies on the range of actions they can take to respect and support children’s rights, prevent and address the risks to children from their activities, and maximize positive business impact in the workplace, marketplace and community. Since their release, the Principles have raised critical awareness of children and youth as vital stakeholders of business, and UNICEF has engaged in activities to better understand how these Principles should be applied in different sectors. In support of this goal, the UNICEF Extractive Pilot 2014: Oil and Gas Scoping Study encompasses three primary objectives:
1. Identify the current impacts of the oil and gas sector on children’s rights.
2. Understand how companies in this sector are managing these impacts.
3. Determine how UNICEF can best engage with the oil and gas sector.