Latest news and updates
Insights from the Nigeria In-Country Working Group
As Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria faces complex challenges in strengthening the country’s security governance environment. The Nigeria In-Country Working Group is working to improve human rights performance within the public and private security sector through a wide variety of activities.
Webinar – The Role of MSIs in Ensuring Human Rights Due Diligence on the Private Security Supply Chain
How should companies conduct human rights due diligence on their security providers? This and other questions will be discussed by panelists on this event taking place on April 29, 2021. Registration is required.
Webinar – Beyond the Perimeter: Situating and Responding to Security Contracting Risks in and Around Mine Sites
On April 12, panelists will discuss on how standards such as the VPSHR and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains can help address human rights risks related to security in and around mine sites.
Members and Observers attend the 2021 Annual Plenary of the VPI
The virtual event was held on March 16-17, 2021. View the recording of the speeches by the outgoing and incoming Chairs of the Voluntary Principles Initiative.
RFP Updates
In 2020, the Voluntary Principles Association ran RFP processes to procure corporate/trust services in the Netherlands and to procure a consultant for work related to Gender and Vulnerable Groups. Find here updates regarding these two finalized RFP processes.
Webinar — Platform for Dialogue: Business, Security and Human Rights in Cabo Delgado
Event will be held on February 25, 2021, with participation of the Voluntary Principles Initiative Secretariat.
View the recording of the webinar “Introduction to the VPSHR”
This seminar provides a brief overview of the VPSHR and the VPI. Our panel then focus on fundamentals of VPSHR implementation as well as reflect on what membership in the VPI means to each Pillar.
Register for the webinar “Introduction to the VPSHR: Addressing Security and Human Rights Risks”
The introductory seminar will be held on January 28, 2021, 10 AM EST.
View the Recording – Webinar “Looking Back: Reflections on 20 Years of the VPs”
To celebrate its 20 years, the Voluntary Principles Initiative is pleased to invite you to view the webinar held on December 2, 2020.